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Writer: slarocha3slarocha3


Bullying means acts of intolerance and disrespect to the difference .Large part of the people specifically children and adolescents , affected by bullying may carry traumas and insecurity for the rest of their lives. Bullying is a reaction that is done by someone , who has not had the emotional intelligence , to deal with the often unfair adversities caused by society we build. It's is common that there are different people, after all it's not possible that there is are standardization of the way of acting physical , or cultural characteristics . As a result of this non- acceptance the people judged as different physically , psychologically and verbally by the so- called " normal". Thinking in this light,we should seek deeper answers and evaluate our behavior, with those around us , even indirectly . The school has an interesting role in this sense, since it is a space in which the students spend much of their time, and that in way, and a representation of the society that we live. The family must also give the parameter of what is and what is not accepted, because the child does not have a limit , it is much more difficult for it to absorb and integrate the rules of good coexistence , both in school and in life. The setting of relationships only had changed in the proportion in man,changes his internal scenery in the day, in which to discover and to work his feelings , starting to have as main objective the practice of the good , the practice of the respect to the others , and it's differences.

This Pretty Faces app,I transmit messages of social equality, and by the possible physical differences. And that there is no standard to be characterized a unique beauty. And that WE ARE ALL BEAUTIFUL , even with our peculiar differences!



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