I am expressing my indignation, and sadness that even today similar situation may still be happening around the world.
When I was only 6 years old , I decided to put coffee powder

on my body , to match the dark color of my friends who had dark skin.
Because light colored people like mine , were always separated from dark skinned people , and I didn't understand why all children could be together and equally treated.
Usually the "white children", were the ones who received the most attention and well treated, and this situation upset me deeply , on several occasions I came home crying .
One day my teacher asked me why I was coloring my skin in color dark , and I just said that I wanted to be like my friends and that I wanted to sit with them.
I immensely wish that we can all contribute in our lives, that racial discrimination be abolished from our planet.
What make us different from other people is not the color of our skin but our character.
In my app developer work , I created a doll representing a doll named SPREAD LOVE , in dark color . And also another one in light skin color also named SPREAD LOVE.
The beauty of humanity is exactly in the differences , and being able to ACCEPT and

Sheila Rocha.