Hello, Really appreciate ! I am doing through my blog( https://slarocha3.wixsite.com/spreadlove ) a simple tribute to Mr Flavio Augusto da Silva, CEO of Orlando City. He through an interview that I watched , in the program of name ( Mais Voce) in Brazil. Made me stand up , and illuminate my soul . Now I'm always watching your videos, because they always motivate me . Mr Flavio, became like a mentor in my life, your life story is inspiring. His phrases as: " The biggest mistake and not risk , for fear." " life is good when we are happy , but life is much better, when in our good deeds , we make someone happy." " Be the protagonist of your life!" " Do not be afraid to risk , do not let yourself be cowed. " " Have an " appetite" to follow your dreams , of trusting your decisions." " Life is not enough to be lived it, has to be dreamed." "Life is like jumping with a rope tied in the feet, you will have to jump alone, only you will have to make a decision ." These words of Mr Flavio Augusto , made me evaluate my own life, the difficult that was going through, with several obstacles and also financial; would have to give up my project in children's apps and also for children cancer. So I could conclude , that life is full of surprises , which will only depend on ourselves , can always transform them positively. I decided to make the decision , to go after my dream in children's apps, even people saying that it was impossible . I have learned that being happy , is not only celebrating successes , but learning lessons from failures, without ever giving up. That not all storms come to disrupt our lives, some storms come to clear their way. The magnificent life story of Mr Flavio , made a beautiful rainbow appear after the storm that was in my life. I will never forget his wise words , about HOPE: " It's like we knew that a gigantic meteor , would destroy the earth and what would you do??? Just have HOPE!" And HOPE is that it has always driven us to make decisions in life. Trust , have human attitudes , believe in yourself, make us all have the ability to risk , without fear and " jump"!!! Thank you very much , ( muito obrigado!) I will never forget your wonderful words!! Your success confirm what I have always had as conception n my life ; that success is not just having money, and being able to make a difference in people's lives!!! Really appreciate!! Sheila Rocha.
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