Global Movement.
Climate change includes both the Global warming driven by human emissions of greenhouse gases, and the resulting large -scale shifts in weather patterns.
The rate of human impact on Earth's climate system and the global scale of that impact , have been unprecedented.
Global warning refers to global averages , with the amount of warming varying by region.
The Earth absorbs sunlight , then radiates it as heat. Some of this infrared radiation is absorbed by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and because they re-emit it in all directions part of the heat is trapped on Earth instead of escaping into space.
The leading source of anthropogenic methane emissions is agriculture, closely followed by gas venting and fugitive emissions from the fossil -fuel industry.
There is still a little time to change something now be used for more climate protection, but TOGETHER WE CAN!!!
We are living in a unprecedented times.we must unite the remarkable people , who are already working and TOGETHER we will be a big "family " across the planet.
Love is the supreme power and the most potent energy in the Universe. We cannot transform it into light... But we can transform it into wisdom, based on phenomenal attitudes and ideas that can transform our life , helping others people's lives ,and transform our planet into a better place for our lives and for future generations.
YES , WE CAN!!!!!!!!
Sheila Rocha.